Introduction to Domestic Terrorism

Basic Introduction to DOMESTIC TERRORISM The Security Officer has to be Lucky Everyday, the Terrorist only Once! By KNOWING YOUR ELEMENTS TO SPOT DOMESTIC TERRORISM, while BEING ALERT AND RESPONSIVE will save lives..

Security Officer Ethics

ETHICS, The hardest part of being a Security Officer is keeping your ETHICS (= me). you must know your own Philosophy about life and how you view it in the world. The Operation of laws and how they Protect you and Punish you for failing to follow your Ethics and the Road of Honor. The Function of Real Life and how to resolve the conflict of your own Philosophy and the Operation of Laws.

Use of Force

Use of Force Knowing When to use Force. Escalation and De-Escalation Techniques.Conflict Resolution. Knowing Human Rights, Civil Rights and Legal Rights of the Accused

Angeles Shooting Ranges Requalification ...
Initial Firearms Qualification FEBRUARY 15TH, 2025

About Us

los Angeles Loss Prevention is a fully licensed in CA for Investigations (PI11754) and Security Training company. We specialize in training for security guards. Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS) Firearms Facility License TFF 1328 and Instructor License TIF 2145, Baton Facility License TIB 1423 and Baton Instructor License TIB 2050 We offer NRA Training in Basic Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun and CCW training and are certified as a Chief Range Safety Officer. We conduct Initial Guard Card Training, Initial security Firearms Training, Chemical Agent Training, Baton Training, including bi-annual renewal, and Bi-annual Re-Qualifications for firearms permit holders. We also teach Use of Force and how to pass the BSIS Personal Assessment Exam so you can apply for your Firearms Permit. We are fully insured for Firearms Training. Range time for Firearms qualifications are available all year round at the Angeles Shooting Ranges in Sylmar, CA. through our training services.

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